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- 116 tire
116 tires
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Width: 238 mm - 530 mm
... offers high traction capability. With a new bead design, the tire is also able to operate at lower pressures than other tires therefore placing less of a burden on the soil. Why choose this tire • ...

Width: 280 mm
Height: 85 mm
High performance with optimal traction •Optimal Traction •Excellent Service Life •Robust WHY CHOOSE THIS TYRE? TRACTION Maintains traction throughout its life, even when worn EXCELLENT SERVICE LIFE Longer-lasting thanks ...

... THIS TYRE? ENDURANCE • Steel casing for greater resistance to damage and impacts with a higher load-carrying capacity. • Tyre tread designed to be resistant to damage, based on technology from heavy machinery. MOBILITY • ...

... fields, the VX-R TRACTOR tyre offers you the versatility, outstanding performance, and increased productivity you need for sustainable farming. •Wide tyre tread for more traction, that provides more ...
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