2-row bed formers

13 companies | 20 products
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1-row bed former
1-row bed former

Width: 165 cm

... operations – without bed making operations Working principle: 1. Tilling section shreds, mixes and crumble soil, prepairing it for bed shaping operation. 2. Soil containment ...

2-row bed former
2-row bed former
VB series

Width: 220, 340, 200, 400 cm

The SPEDO mechanical bed former creates an excellent shape and stability of the beds both in loose soil and in medium textured soil. The flex springs, positioned on the front part of ...

2-row bed former
2-row bed former

Width: 130, 150, 170, 185 cm

Basic machine •Universal 3 point linkage Cat. 2 •Single speed gearbox 540 rpm PTO •Rear PTO connection •Front tilling rotor Ø430 mm •Tilling rotor transmission chain in oil bath •Rear crumbling rotor Ø360 mm with ...

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2-row bed former
2-row bed former

Width: 45 cm - 150 cm

Heavy type is with useful height of 67 cm (suitable for inter-row roto-tilling of: tobacco, corn, tomato, beetroot, sunflower, cotton, flowers, potato, pepper, bean, cauliflower, celery, onion, fennel, thistle, strawberries, ...

2-row bed former
2-row bed former
FTRI series

Width: 3,750, 5,550, 4,950, 4,350 mm

Soil preparation machine for bed formation. Optimal quality of work on three beds One pass for three beds. Triple soil preparation at a depth of 26 cm (10 in)

2-row bed former
2-row bed former

This unit is specially designed for the strawberry industry, mulches to a depth of 15.5 inches and gives you a full mixing of the soil reducing the majority of the salinity in the soil. Northwest has been developing this unit over the ...

1-row bed former
1-row bed former
FKV series

Width: 160 cm - 725 cm

... for potatoes and carrots. FKV • - 2 steel wheels D500x180 with spindle adjustment • - Full width plate adjustable with spring pressure • - PTO shaft W2500 with slip clutch, tractor side 1 3/8’ - 6 splines 2FKV ...

4-row bed former
4-row bed former
BX series

Width: 1.5 m - 2 m

... The Standen BX Bed former series includes 2, 3 and 4 bodied models all with the option of either standard bodies for heavier soils, where a traditional plough type is ...

2-row bed former
2-row bed former

Width: 70, 75, 80, 150, 160 cm

... Planter we manufactured in 1984. We have also manufactured harvesting equipment for horse-drawn and tractor mowers , and hoe ridgers . The company has been developing its own designs since 1988. AKPIL’s first original ...

2-row bed former
2-row bed former
Compact III

Compact cultivator for planting combination Planting bed preparation, planting and ridging in one working passage? It is possible! These processes can easily be accomplished using AVR’s rear-mounted Compact III ...

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AVR bvba
2-row bed former
2-row bed former

Width: 90, 105 cm

... ridge forming and soil hardening on the side surface of the ridge. It guarantees the formation of best possible ridges and beds for vegetables growing business, as well as crop’s volume and quality increase.

2-row bed former
2-row bed former

Width: 2 m

Designated to care works with growing potatoes on light and normal soils. Good, strong construction of the machine provides fast work with optimal shape of colter, which is helpful for potato development.

1-row bed former
1-row bed former

Maximise yields by planting in beds Single, Double and Triple Bed Formers Planting in beds is not a new concept, it has been around for many years. Bed ...

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