3-row manual seeders

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walk-behind manual seeder
walk-behind manual seeder

K-2.3 precision seeder K-2.3 Sowing accuracy: Designed to ensure accurate seed distribution, allowing for even and even seed spacing. Customizable settings: Settings that allow ...

disc manual seeder
disc manual seeder

Working width: 14 cm
Weight: 8 kg

The Bassi seeder SM Seeder for motocultor is a professional sowing element designed to be used on motocultors or motor hoes. It has a series of characteristics which guarantee its duration over time and ...

self-propelled manual seeder
self-propelled manual seeder
SP 94 S

Inter-row spacing: 15 cm
Power required: 4 ch
Seed hopper volume: 7.5 l

... self-propelled SP 94 S seeder by Bassi Seminatrici is an innovative machine designed to perform various operations in a single step, considerably reducing working times in sowing. Thanks to its versatility and the possibility ...

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