Absorbent growing media

3 companies | 6 products
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potting soil growing medium
potting soil growing medium

• Organic soilless growing medium mix combination • Balance air and water retention • Protect plant in Summer and Winter • Light weight and alternative to potting mixes • Washed and lowest ...

potting soil growing medium
potting soil growing medium

Italiana terricci’s sifted fertile soil is a selected and sifted soil, mixed with an optimal amount of composted soil improver, ideal for a healthy and lush growth of different types of crops. Some features: Field of application: ...

See the other products
Italiana Terricci
potting soil growing medium
potting soil growing medium
Neutral pH

Italiana terrici’s pH neutral soil, is a selected and sifted soil, mixed with an optimal amount of composted soil improver and silica sand, ideal for a healthy and lush growth of different types of crops. The neutral pH favors the absorption ...

See the other products
Italiana Terricci
potting soil growing medium
potting soil growing medium

Italiana terricci's garden soil is a selected and sifted soil mixed with an optimal amount of composted soil improver in such quantities to ensure a healthy and lush growth of different types of crops. The absorption of the most important ...

See the other products
Italiana Terricci
potting soil growing medium
potting soil growing medium

Italiana terricci’s lawn soil is selected and sifted soil mixed with an optimal ratio of composted soil improver and silica sand, ideal for fast rooting and healthy growth without weeds of the turf. The neutral pH favors the absorption ...

See the other products
Italiana Terricci
potting soil growing medium
potting soil growing medium

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