Air purifier for livestock buildings

3 companies | 4 products
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air purifier for livestock buildings
air purifier for livestock buildings
PureAirPro 1200

... that optimizing air quality has a major positive effect in the short and long term. An easily deployable solution with great effect The PureAirPro 1200 is a professional air purifier, ...

air purifier for livestock buildings
air purifier for livestock buildings
Agri AirClean

... and cleaner air benefitting both animals and people! If you think this sounds interesting, read more about our Agri AirClean air purification system. Agri AirClean effectively purifies the air ...

See the other products
air purifier for livestock buildings
air purifier for livestock buildings

The Munters Air Cleaner (MAC), sold by KJ Klimateknik, is capable of handling and cleaning ventilation air from the pigsty. Cleaning air is otherwise a challenging task, as the exhaust ...

See the other products
air purifier for livestock buildings
air purifier for livestock buildings

... for environmental hygiene in farms and livestock establishments, where polluting particles are very large and air purifiers are not an efficient or recommended option. Cyclohnic is ...

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