Animal husbandry software

43 companies | 59 products
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management software
management software
AfiFarm 5.5

... than ever! AfiFarm 5.5 is the most advanced herd management software. It is accessible, comprehensive, intuitive, and flexible to meet your farm’s specific needs. AfiFarm is a leading software for dairy ...

management software
management software

Versatile management and control programs to meet all needs, with exportable reports prepared for interconnection. CIMA technicians with their experience and with the use of modern technologies have created computerized systems with ...

incubator software
incubator software

... in the hatchery. Hatchery management software today demands 24/7 close monitoring of all incubators and their parameters. EMKA Hatchery Equipment was the first company to produce hatchery management software ...

management software
management software

High level of efficiency and accuracy Smart Flow connects all Vaki Smart Pumps, Graders and Counters for full overview and control of the fish handling system. With Smart Flow all Vaki Smart devices can be controlled and fine-tuned ...

management software
management software
Beef Tracker

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Digi-Star International
feed software
feed software

... lineup of Bluetooth Topcon/ Digi-Star displays and weigh convertors – enabling an organic transition into feed management software. Operation type Any livestock Capability Core features plus advanced designed ...

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Topcon Precision Agriculture
management software
management software
BESTMIX® formulation software

... , aquafeed and premix industry with the ideal tool to create the best quality recipes at the lowest possible cost. The software makes it easy to manage accurate nutritional values, production parameters and recipe ...

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BESTMIX Software
management software
management software
Super Modulodac

The Super Modulodac is the first touchscreen entirely dedicated to feeding stations DAC ; of a simple press with the finger on its screen, you pilot the stations, change the quantities of a cow either a whole lot. You can observe the ...

management software
management software

CIP (Clean-in-place) systems play a crucial role in maintaining hygiene and milk quality in the dairy industry. Ensuring these systems function efficiently is where WashLog steps in. This innovative device offers real-time monitoring ...

management software
management software

DHI-Plus Herd Management Software is the most complete herd management and analysis tool on the market. The DHI-Plus solution helps you focus on cows that need attention—low-producing cows, high somatic-cell cows, cows ...

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DHI-Provo / EZfeed
management software
management software

... a battery or change a collar. This revolutionary device fits around an “840” or official animal identification RFID tag when you place it in the ear of an animal. The Sensor should last for five years ...

management software
management software

... monitor When a new calf is introduced, it can be registered on the automatic feeder via the CalfCloud and is added to the animal list, which is displayed in tile or table form. Each calf can be called up individually ...

monitoring software
monitoring software

statistical analysis software
statistical analysis software

... certification requirements; Horticultural equipment, raw materials and finished product management; Software integration with other Gesag software solutions. Gtp.agri is used by major agricultural ...

management software
management software

Datamars S-ID software is designed to work specifically with Datamars companion animal and livestock readers to help simplify data transfer and reader management associated with electronic animal ...

management software
management software

... accounting software .PPossibility to transfer data in Word and Excel .Possibility of integration with our “MOVE CONTROL” heats detection system .Milk production data importing from APA control .Milk data importing ...

management software
management software

The BECO ParlorScan software is a program to monitor critical areas of the milking operation. The program and associated hardware focuses on monitoring three areas: -Critical equipment monitoring of pulsation and vacuum. ...

management software
management software

Based on many years of research and experience, AMS Galaxy launches TOTAL FARM AUTOMATION, a comprehensive new and dynamic management system that can be customized for your dairy. The main portal of the dairy farm can be accessed from ...

management software
management software

... computer software package designed specifically to complement the Jenquip Rising Plate Pasture Meters. Straightforward to understand and use, without the confusing ‘bells and whistles’ of some feed budgeting programs, ...

monitoring software
monitoring software
BFN Fusion

... using the stars, data can now help you optimize the results of your livestock operations. BFN Fusion is a game­ changing software platform. It bundles all data generated by your farms and adds relevant value to your ...

monitoring software
monitoring software
SiloCheck pro

registering and monitoring silo contents If you already use BigFarmNet on your farm, SiloCheckpro is a clever additional application that registers, monitors and evaluates the contents and consumptions for your silos. From the PC in ...

management software
management software

MyPLM®Connect is the Telematics Portal for both PLM Intelligence vehicles and other platforms. MyPLM®Connect can help you optimise large machinery fleets: you can plan the next operation based on where machines are now. By keeping an ...

management software
management software

... communicates with automation to provide you with instant parlour information whenever you need it. User-friendly intelligent software Milk Manager is the control centre for parlour automation and is an invaluable ...

management software
management software

... Only such combination of data and appropriate recommendations constitute the advantage and full use of the system features. Software of this class works in a data collection system, its proper sorting and analysis, as ...

analysis software
analysis software


management software
management software

... your herd performance and farm efficiency. User-friendly, actionable herd insights Heat detections, urgent attentions, animals to check, health monitoring & herd performance trends. Make data-driven decisions Monitor ...

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Waikato Milking Systems NZ Ltd.
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