Anti algae floating covers

4 companies | 6 products
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{{#pushedProductsPlacement5.length}} {{#each pushedProductsPlacement5}}

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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
{{#if product.productPrice }} {{#if product.productPrice.price }}

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manure floating cover
manure floating cover
Bonetto Cover Ball®

Cover Ball® is a floating cover system consisting of HDPE spheres with a special anti-UV treatment. Once the spheres have been placed inside any storage tank, they arrange ...

anti algae floating cover
anti algae floating cover
Bonetto Cover Ball®

... formation of algae and the passage of sunlight and therefore photosynthesis. This type of floating cover is used to shade tanks and lagoons, even aerated ones. In the case of the latter, ...

polyethylene floating cover
polyethylene floating cover

... the Alligator floating deck. Alligator floating cover, flexible and durable We design, supply and install various types of floating covers for many ...

irrigation basin floating cover
irrigation basin floating cover
Multi-F dek

100% result For decades, 100% results achieved in algae control in irrigation basins Light-proof A light-proof total cover solution for new and renovation basins Any shape and size Available ...

irrigation basin floating cover
irrigation basin floating cover

Floating Cover Hexa-Cover® - the ideal solution for covering all fluids

reservoir floating cover
reservoir floating cover

Covex® are highly efficient modular floating covers designed for water protection and its quality in water ponds, reservoirs and liquid bodies. As pioneers in the field since 1997, we guarantee effectiveness, ...

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