Aquaculture lights

9 companies | 12 products
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aquaculture light
aquaculture light

Power: 100 W - 400 W

... needs. Take advantage of IAS ability to manufacture either model SeeBrite™ LED Aquaculture Light to address changes required to physical light sizes, light outputs, and ...

aquaculture light
aquaculture light
SeeBrite™ FloodView

Power: 550, 660, 800, 966, 1,300 W

... SeeBrite™ FloodView aquaculture lights are designed using full spectrum LEDs to save energy, promote fish growth, and mitigate sea lice. Save Energy Costs Our innovative LEDs ensure best conversion ...

aquaculture light
aquaculture light

... to inadequate or no light during in transport in live haul tanks. These high intensity IP68 rated LED light fixtures help maintain light levels when transporting fish from hatchery to ...

greenhouse light
greenhouse light
Aquila + Elettra

... Vary the intensity of the light AND its spectrum, test different lighting conditions and compare the results in a repeatable and predictable way. With up to 16 independent channels available - one of which is dedicated ...

greenhouse light
greenhouse light

Power: 40, 32 W

AQUILA is an Italian LED lamp for professional use with high energy efficiency that is proposed for use in those applications where the distance between the lamp and plants is small and between 30 and 70cm. AQUILA is the evolution of ...

aquaculture light
aquaculture light

Power: 600 W

... contrast light and photo-tactical attraction of the fish. This is also an excellent light for smoltification and de-smoltification of juveniles. AKVA group has developed a new anti-sexual maturation ...

aquaculture light
aquaculture light

Underwater light products that commit to productivity and efficiency The OceanLight is the underwater light solution for the fish-farming cage. Our variety of Aquaculture lights ...

aquaculture light
aquaculture light

Power: 0 W - 240 W

The SeaLight LED Light is a robust and reliable underwater aquaculture light that combines high output and long life in a compact, energy-saving, lower emissions package. This underwater ...

LED light
LED light

We have our own production of LED lights that can be used on ROV, and other devices underwater in the aquaculture industry. We supply several different types of LED lights for use underwater.

aquaculture light
aquaculture light

Power: 510 W

Our underwater lights are lightweight, reliable and economical to use. Our first lights were developed in 1995, and since then we have delivered around 15 000 lights nationally and internationally. ...

aquaculture light
aquaculture light

Toford provides a wide range of additional equipments which enables the cage system to perform specification functioning required by different clients and to comply with local safety and regulatory standards.

aquaculture light
aquaculture light

Power: 250 W - 2,400 W

LED light is a well-known means of delaying maturation and prolonging the growth period in fish. Emerald LED is used for light control in sea pens and to continue light regime from land ...

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