Artichoke seeds

4 companies | 5 products
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early artichoke seeds
early artichoke seeds
Imperial Star

... otherwise treat as an annual. Avg. 10,500 seeds/lb. Packet: 25 seeds. SCIENTIFIC NAME: Cynara spp. CULTURE: Artichokes and cardoon require very fertile, well-drained soils with ...

See the other products
very early artichoke seeds
very early artichoke seeds
Colorado Star

... show purple-tinged bracts. Avg. 9,600 seeds/lb. Packet: 25 seeds. SCIENTIFIC NAME: Cynara spp. CULTURE: Artichokes and cardoon require very fertile, well-drained soils with a ...

See the other products
very early artichoke seeds
very early artichoke seeds
Imperial Star

... still in the first year. Natural location: The Artichoke came originally from the Mediterranean, where it has already been cultivated since the 1st century. In the kitchen: Place the artichoke ...

annual artichoke seeds
annual artichoke seeds

early artichoke seeds
early artichoke seeds

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