Autumn leek seeds

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biological leek seeds
biological leek seeds

... clean. High-yielding. Stores well. USDA Certified Organic. Specs: • Packet: 50 seeds • Avg. 218,000 seeds/lb SCIENTIFIC NAME: Allium porrum CULTURE: Leeks are heavy feeders ...

autumn leek seeds
autumn leek seeds
Krypton F1

autumn leek seeds
autumn leek seeds

Leek, Autumn Giants, Autumn leek. From January under glass; from mid-April outside on a seed bed. Spread evenly, not too close, so that it can develop. ...

autumn leek seeds
autumn leek seeds

New selection for harvesting in autumn, long stems, dark green, upright foliage. Less prone to bulb-forming.

rust resistants leek seeds
rust resistants leek seeds

This excellent RHS AGM variety produces mid green, erect foliage, and heavy, uniform stems. Leek 'Autumn Giant 2 Porvite' stands well in the garden over a long period and demonstrates resistance to bulbiness ...

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