Bag filler buckets

8 companies | 10 products
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bag filler bucket
bag filler bucket
BBB351 series

Width: 1,100, 1,200, 1,500, 1,600, 1,880 mm
Capacity: 350, 500, 750 l
Bucket weight: 620, 390, 450, 490, 540 kg

... cylinders with protector Manual hanging | Counter lateral side plates (300 Bh) | Wear blade 150 x 20 mm (400 Bh) Big bag manual unhooking by bucket dumping | Made-to-measure brackets On request Brackets ...

bag filler bucket
bag filler bucket

Width: 1,815 mm
Capacity: 1 m³

Bag filler shovel TM «А.ТОМ».Height - 1840 mm. Depth - 2240 mm. Weight - 824 kg.

See the other products
bag filler bucket
bag filler bucket
BF Series

Width: 1,220, 1,330, 1,600 mm
Capacity: 0.5, 0.6, 1 m³

The Albutt Bag Filling Bucket is the ultimate time saving attachment for use in busy yards. It allows the quick fill of tote bags with heavy free flowing material such as sand, aggregate, ...

bag filler bucket
bag filler bucket
BF series

Width: 1,700, 2,020, 2,260, 2,560 mm
Capacity: 0.6, 1, 1.4, 2 m³

The Prodig Bag Filling Bucket is a clever unit that can be used to pick up loose free flowing material, fill and move bulk bags which increases productivity and eliminates spillages while ...

See the other products
Prodig Attachments
bag filler bucket
bag filler bucket
GRBB series

Width: 1.1 m - 1.6 m
Capacity: 350 l - 1,000 l

... CARRIERS FROM 40 to 120 HP BIG-BAG Loading Bucket (GRBB) DualBag - The Big Bag filler GRBB 12/045 DualBag has a total capacity of 450 liters. Which allows to fill ...

silage unloading shovel bucket
silage unloading shovel bucket
L80 Funnel Bucket

Width: 160 cm - 200 cm
Capacity: 1.77 m³ - 3.19 m³

bag filler bucket
bag filler bucket
Funnel Bucket

Width: 1.5, 2.1 m
Capacity: 0.75, 1.34, 1.5 m³

... Equipment Funnel Bucket is designed to make filling bags and transferring materials faster, easier & safer. Fertiliser, Sand, Gravel, Stone, Grain, and most materials can be handled with ease by the Rata ...

bag filler bucket
bag filler bucket

... very simply. The bag is hooked onto the bin’s arms then the door is manually opened to release crop into the bag. The big bag bin is then steadily lifted by its forklift tubes. As the ...

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