Barley analyzers

2 companies | 3 products
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{{/end}} {{/each}}


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grain analyzer
grain analyzer

IAS-5100 portable NIR (Near Infrared) spectroscopy analyzer is a perfect device for fast and non-destructive analysis of grain and oil crop samples. Multiple parameters such as moisture, protein and fat content can be ...

grain analyzer
grain analyzer

... excellent stability and accuracy and quick and precise analyses of the following products of seeds: wheat, hard wheat and barley; flour: mixed feed, grain flour, without requiring sample preparation. MININFRA 2000T ...

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ISOELECTRIC di Della Bona Oliviero
NIR analyzer
NIR analyzer

... analyses of grains, barley, canola, flour and soybean meal. The instrument transilluminates the sample on a large surface and measures its infrared spectra and the embedded computer calculates the values of the sample ...

See the other products
ISOELECTRIC di Della Bona Oliviero
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