Basil seeds

6 companies | 13 products
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biological basil seeds
biological basil seeds

... Garten box contains specially cultivated soil and a sachet of Baza seeds. Together they form a beautiful ready- made mini garden. Step 1 Cut out the top of the soil bag and sow 4-5 seeds a few millimeters ...

See the other products
BAZA Seeds Holland b.v.
biological basil seeds
biological basil seeds

... The natural range of basil is tropical Africa and Asia. Nowadays it can be found all around the Mediterranean. In the kitchen: Basil is best harvested while it is still small-leaved – that’s when ...

summer basil seeds
summer basil seeds

See the other products
Graines Voltz - Voltz Horticulture
fusarium resistant basil seeds
fusarium resistant basil seeds
Italiano Classico

... both sowing “a spaglio” and the production of potted plants; for this purpose it is recommended the use of multi-seeds pill. The commercial seeds are checked for exemption from Fusarium Oxisporum f.SP. ...

powdery mildew resistant basil seeds
powdery mildew resistant basil seeds
Devotion DMR

Genovese-type basil with Intermediate resistance to downy mildew. Devotion is for fresh market and could be used for pot growing; uniform and upright growth with traditional Genovese cupped leaves.

basil seeds
basil seeds

DA VINCI PVP has compact plant and multiple branches with short internodes. Plant stem and the secondary branches are very uniform in growing. This growth behaviour allows a uniform and precise leaves cutting. Leaves are dark green ...

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