Biogas dryers

5 companies | 6 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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hay dryer
hay dryer
EDMU 24-2

Hay Dryer model EDMU 24-2 for squared bales 120x80x220 cm Possibility to place 8-16 squared bales USE OF RENEWABLE ENERGIES Heating system with hot water heat exchanger from 700 kW Biogas plant Hay ...

grain dryer
grain dryer

The RIELA® Belt Dryer is designed for drying biomass as well as industrial products. The Belt Dryer can be used as a single Belt Dryer or as a compact Multi-Belt Dryer. Advantages ...

cereal dryer
cereal dryer
AGD series

Capacity: 5 m³ - 97 m³

... product in the market. A bad drying produces the creation of mold and the fermentation of the product. The advantages of our dryers are the external auger that allows us to save time during drying, a heat exchanger ...

grain dryer
grain dryer

THE STELA GS DRYER SERIES IS A SPECIALISED VERSION OF THE TROUGH DRYER FOR DRYING WHEAT The STELA GS dryer series is a specialised version of the trough dryer for ...

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PAWLICA s.r.o.
corn dryer
corn dryer

THE STELA HS DRYER SERIES IS DESIGNED FOR DRYING WOOD CHIPS The STELA HS dryer series is a specialized design for drying wood chips. Other products that can be dried are corn, wheat and other grains ...

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PAWLICA s.r.o.
waste dryer
waste dryer
OptiSec Porco

... innovative belt dryer for your pig or cattle slurry Your goal is to reduce your amount of slurry and to make long-distance transport more cost-efficient? OptiSec Porco is your means of achieving this goal! With this ...

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