Biological leek seeds

5 companies | 6 products
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biological leek seeds
biological leek seeds

... clean. High-yielding. Stores well. USDA Certified Organic. Specs: • Packet: 50 seeds • Avg. 218,000 seeds/lb SCIENTIFIC NAME: Allium porrum CULTURE: Leeks are heavy feeders ...

autumn leek seeds
autumn leek seeds
Krypton F1

See the other products
summer leek seeds
summer leek seeds

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hybrid leek seeds
hybrid leek seeds

late leek seeds
late leek seeds
Giant Musselburgh

Giant Musselburgh leeks are hardy in cold weather and easy to grow at home. Stalks grow 2-3 inches thick and 9-15 inches long and are tender and white. Leaves are medium dark green. 1 lb - Approximately 176,000 Seeds Plant ...

perennial leek seeds
perennial leek seeds
Japanese Ishikura

The Japanese Ishikura with its long, white and noticeably thick stalks and fresh-green, straight leafage is one of the easy-to-cultivate spring onion varieties without bulb formation. Its flavour represents a mild mixture of onion and ...

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