Biological lettuce seeds

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mosaic virus resistant lettuce seeds
mosaic virus resistant lettuce seeds

... DORMANCY: Lettuce seed can enter thermal dormancy when exposed to high temperatures. Optimum germination results at soil temperatures of 60-68°F (16-20°C). The priming process in pelleted lettuce ...

powdery mildew resistant lettuce seeds
powdery mildew resistant lettuce seeds

... been selected under organic conditions and is widely adaptable, with the highest level of downy mildew resistance. Crop Lettuce Crop Type Oakleaf Resistance HR Bl-EU:16-37/Bl-US:1-9/Nr:0/TBSV Resistance IR ...

biological lettuce seeds
biological lettuce seeds

Packaging format 190mm x 190mm (2250gram) LACTUCA SATIVA A red and green pickled lettuce with "oak leaf" leaves. Salad Bowl has buttery soft leaves with a crunchy appearance. The taste is spicy, slightly nutty.

mosaic virus resistant lettuce seeds
mosaic virus resistant lettuce seeds

early lettuce seeds
early lettuce seeds

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leaf blight resistant lettuce seeds
leaf blight resistant lettuce seeds

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