Biostimulants with amendment

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2 companies | 3 products
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biostimulant with trace elements
biostimulant with trace elements

AMINO ACIDS TO ENHANCE FRUIT SIZE, COLOUR AND SHEEN MAXITEM is rich in both fulvic acids and amino acids. Fulvic acids act rapidly to improve soil structure. They act as complexing agents of nutritional elements, enabling the absorption ...

organic biostimulant
organic biostimulant

Our liquid biostimulant is a natural organic food for soil microbes, promoting their growth and health while helping plants and soil organisms utilize nutrients more efficiently and increasing their resistance to biotic ...

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BioEnergy Solutions Inc
organic biostimulant
organic biostimulant

Our liquid biostimulant is a natural organic food for soil microbes, promoting their growth and health while helping plants and soil organisms utilize nutrients more efficiently and increasing their resistance to biotic ...

See the other products
BioEnergy Solutions Inc
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