Bolt-on flail hammers

4 companies | 6 products
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compatible for Kuhn flail hammer
compatible for Kuhn flail hammer

Width: 110 mm

Drilling Ø:26 Fixing hole length:50 Ray:175 GEN/NON-GEN:Genuine Diamètre d:26 Weight:1.45 Type of packaging:Bulk Quantity in sales packaging:1

See the other products
FOURNIAL SAS - Sterenn Group
compatible for Kuhn flail hammer
compatible for Kuhn flail hammer

Width: 40 mm

Type:Couteau biseauté Length (mm):130 Thickness:8 Hole Ø:16.5 GEN/NON-GEN:Non-genuine Weight:0.3 Type of packaging:Bulk Quantity in sales packaging:1

See the other products
FOURNIAL SAS - Sterenn Group
compatible for Agrimaster flail hammer
compatible for Agrimaster flail hammer

Width: 85 mm
Radius: 100 mm

Weight:0.730 kg Radius:100 Working width: Assembly dimension:40 Hole:14,5

bolt-on hammer blade
bolt-on hammer blade

adaptable flail hammer
adaptable flail hammer

Bore diameter: 14.5 mm
Width: 85 mm
Radius: 95 mm

See the other products
Vital Concept
adaptable flail hammer
adaptable flail hammer

Width: 85 mm
Radius: 100 mm

See the other products
Vital Concept
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