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- Bolt-on knife
Bolt-on knives
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Zappettificio Alto Lazio di Bocci Marco

Length: 173 mm
Width: 50 mm
Weight:0.175 kg Thickness:3 Length:173 Width:50 Hole:18 Machine type:Mega - Medion - Dominator

The Maxxi Knife is a reference in productivity. Made with high alloy steel. The best option on the market. Yield up to 3 times greater than traditional knives. A suitable knife for each application. STANDARD, TRITON, TOP, MAXXI. We ...

Length: 250 mm
Width: 60 mm
Stalk chopper knives for corn headers, commonly known as chopper knives, are entirely designed and manufactured by HT for continuous use in severe conditions on new generation machines. The choice of steels, tungsten carbide alloys used ...
HT Srl

Made of Boron steel, blades are high wear resistance. The specific heat-treatment combined with special sharpening process creates a long life bevel with razor sharp edge, for optimal performance and finer cut.
LA PINA Industrias Angel Martinez Lopez, S.L.

Length: 225 mm
Width: 200 mm
KNIFE (200 X 225 X 18) Material: Toolsteel Cr8% 1.2360 Dimensions: 225x200x18mm Model: Albach

Stella s.r.l.

We offer you the advantage of our long experience in materials, tooth definition and heat treatments: - Carbon steel, alloy steel, - Machined aggressive teeth - Single or multiple heat treatment - Anti-wear coating (tungsten carbide) - ...

Aware of the challenges facing the sugarcane industry and always striving to enance performance and efficiency within the agricultural industry, Forges de Niaux has developed a range of basecutter blades for sugarcane harvesters. These ...

The world’s first highly wear-resistant coating of the entire crop flow channel for self-propelled forage harvesters. Advantages of BusaDUR® wear protection coatings: highest service life – depending on the coating thickness, a ...
Busatis GmbH

Length: 173 mm
Width: 60 mm
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