Bolting resistance lettuce seeds

5 companies | 6 products
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powdery mildew resistant lettuce seeds
powdery mildew resistant lettuce seeds

... after de-coring. Upright, frilly crunchy leaves suits pre-pack, equally suited to whole head and baby leaf production. Excellent field mildew resistance.

See the other products
Tozer Seeds Ltd
powdery mildew resistant lettuce seeds
powdery mildew resistant lettuce seeds

... Plants have a very upright habit, ideal for harvesting. Rugose, cupped dark green leaves are ideal for baby leaf production. Excellent mildew resistance. .

See the other products
Tozer Seeds Ltd
autumn lettuce seeds
autumn lettuce seeds
81-175 RZ

annual lettuce seeds
annual lettuce seeds

medium early lettuce seeds
medium early lettuce seeds
LS 21100

... transplanting. The head is of a good size, with thick medium bright green foliage. Good tolerance to tip burn and bolting. Resistances: HR: Bl 16-22,25,31,32 - ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Period of ...

spring lettuce seeds
spring lettuce seeds

Lettuce with medium green, medium dense, flat heads. Butterhead type. Bolt resistant. For harvesting in spring and early summer. Temperature requirements medium Nutrient requirements medium Recommended crop rotation 3 ...

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