- Livestock Farming >
- Veterinary medicine >
- Cattle dehorner
Cattle dehorners
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Equipped with cable, Schuko-plug, tip B and stand. Tip temperature 700 °C. -Voltage: 230 Volts -Nominal capacity: 165 watts Please respect authorities' regulations for your country! Weight: 0,862 kg
The Alios gas dehorner designed by Express Farming can be used to dehorn cattle up to four weeks old in a simple and effective manner. The Express Farming Alios portable gas dehorner ...
Our cattle hydraulic dehorner is ergonomically design, light (less than 9 kg) and it's made of high quality steel which allowed it a long life. The process is over so quickly, the animals don't have ...
Dehorn unit with 5 meter long cable. The tip of this dehorn unit has a thin burn-in edge. Only the tip in the front will get very hot. The rod which guides the heat to the tip is hand warm. The handle is heat resistant. Warm-up time ...
The professional tool for humane dehorning of calves. Fast heating up time and high maximum temperature of 650 °C make the GasBuddex a tool of the highest quality. Stainless steel finish guarantees durability and meets the highest expectations! -pain-free ...
Albert Kerbl GmbH
The Te Pari Large Stainless Steel Dehorner is a solid tool which is ideal for dehorning animals at a young age before a vet is required. The Stainless Steel Blades of the Dehorner are 3 mm thick for extra ...
Te Pari Products Ltd.
-Simple device, for a clear and noiseless cut. -Works with a dual acting cylinder controlled by a valve. -Safety for the user. -NO NOISE. -Clear cut: NO STRESS for the animal. -Easy use and maintenance. -Packing: delivered ...
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