Ceiling-mounted veterinary X-ray systems

2 companies | 3 products
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digital veterinary X-ray system
digital veterinary X-ray system

... right field size of light with SID differences DOSE EFFICIENCY 1. X-ray quantum detecting efficiency is a measurement that indicates how many percentage of X-ray ...

digital veterinary X-ray system
digital veterinary X-ray system

The ZooMax Equine Radiographic System allows for a wide range of desired exposures from the hoof to the head of the animal. The ZooMaxEquine Radiographic System is a dual-column overhead tube crane system, ...

See the other products
Control-X Medical
film veterinary X-ray system
film veterinary X-ray system
Zoomax Red

The Zoomax Red Veterinary Radiographic System is ideal for trauma situations when multiple tableside use is required. Incorporates the elevating four-way float top table and the ceiling-mounted ...

See the other products
Control-X Medical
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