Chlorophyll analyzers

2 companies | 3 products
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grain analyzer meter
grain analyzer meter
FluoMini Q-CF

The FluoMini Q-CF-Seed is specifically developed to measure Chlorophyll Fluorescence of Seeds with a mobile device. Researchers and production specialists can determine the optimal harvesting of seeds. - Can be operated ...

leaf analyzer
leaf analyzer

The DUALEX® SCIENTIFIC sensor measures the content of chlorophyll and the nitrogen status as well as the flavonols and the anthocyanins* of the leaf. This leafclip performs instant and non-destructive mesurements. Its ...

See the other products
Force A
water analyzer
water analyzer

... MULTIPLEX RESEARCH™ sensor is a portable field fluorometer. This sensor does instant and non-destructive measurements of the chlorophyll and the polyphenols (anthocyanin, flavonols) in leaves and fruits. It is used ...

See the other products
Force A
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