Colostrum management systems with pasteurizer

2 companies | 3 products
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colostrum management system with thawing
colostrum management system with thawing

... STORE & THAW COLOSTRUM MANAGEMENT SYSTEM COMPRISES A STORAGE KIT AND A THAWING WATER BATH. Features Why choose Store & Thaw? The Store & Thaw System Allows colostrum ...

colostrum management system with thawing
colostrum management system with thawing
Pasteur II

If you have the need for both thawing and pasteurizing your colostrum, this Pasteur II can do both. The unit can thaw or pasteurize two cartridges at the same time.

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colostrum management system with thawing
colostrum management system with thawing

For larger capacities we also supply the MAXX4. The unit can thaw and pasteurize four cartridges at the same time which is beneficial for larger dairy farms.

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