Convection air heaters

4 companies | 4 products
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gas air heater
gas air heater
AGH series

Power: 40 kW - 120 kW

Mira AGH direct gas fired air heater is developed for use in poultry and agricultural applications. With direct heating, it operates at maximum efficiency. Each model has 3 stage power automation with ...

wall-mounted air heater
wall-mounted air heater

... energy costs: - Underfloor heating - Open and closed combustion chamber - Warm water convectors - Hot air blower

electric air heater
electric air heater
TEC CV Series

Power: 75,000, 60,000, 30,000, 90,000 W

Made ot high quality fiDergiass. highly energy-efficient and easy high pressure cleaning Homogeneous heat diffusion.

electric air heater
electric air heater
Shen-Turbo 250

Power: 225,000 BTU/h - 250,000 BTU/h

... heat output. The Shen Turbo heater has an impressive air volume output and corresponding temperature increase. Convection heater that runs on gas with proven reliability Tests ...

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