Corn ridgers

2 companies | 4 products
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3-row ridger
3-row ridger

Width: 1,900 mm

... Fertilizing Hoeing Machine was designed for hoeing, fertilization and ridging operations for stripped crops such as potato, corn, tomato, etc. •Fertilizer dispensing can be performed either by tractor tire revolution ...

3-row ridger
3-row ridger

Width: 1,900 mm

... Three-Row Non-Fertilizing Hoeing Machine was designed for hoeing and ridging operations for stripped crops such as potato, corn, tomato, etc. •Provides to break upper-crust of the soil and able to access of rain to ...

3-row ridger
3-row ridger

Width: 1,900 mm

... BD300 Three-Row Ridging Plough was designed for ridging operations in the sprouting period of stripped crops such as potato, corn, tomato, etc. •It protects crops against adverse climatic conditions that might occur ...

4-row ridger
4-row ridger
SMR series

Width: 40, 46, 34 cm

... adjustable moldboards.The usage aim of the machine is to open furrows between rows and ridging for row-planted seeds such as; corn, sun ower, cotton, etc.

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