Cover crops with legumes

8 companies | 37 products
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clover cover crop
clover cover crop

German early variety (5 days earlier than Cardinal) Very rapid spring growth Very good resistance to root diseases and powdery mildew High yield of green and dry matter, seeds (especially in drier years), and crude protein

vetch cover crop
vetch cover crop

... winter variety for direct feeding and silage. Produces a high yield of excellent protein-rich forage. An excellent preceding crop that does not require nitrogen fertilization. Sown with a supporting cereal (rye, wheat).

vegetation cover mixture
vegetation cover mixture

... virtually any seed mixture that you need. Our seed mixtures also provide pre-inoculation on all legumes. This is critical in the early stages of the legume's life cycle providing more rapid and healthy ...

clover cover crop
clover cover crop
Crimson Clover

Crimson Clover cover crop legume is a semi-upright winter annual legume that germinates quickly and prefers well drained soil. Crimson Clover legume ...

clover cover crop
clover cover crop

vegetation cover mixture
vegetation cover mixture
Melyvert 35

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vegetation cover mixture
vegetation cover mixture

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Semences de Provence
alfalfa cover crop
alfalfa cover crop

Perennial, valuable green manure and fodder plant. Particularly deep rooting. Fixes nitrogen and opens up soil for following crops. Grows even in dry conditions. Great for insects, too. Nutrient requirements manuring ...

nitrogen restoration cover crop
nitrogen restoration cover crop
ELU0 series

See the other products
Le Biau Germe
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