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- Crop cleaning machine
Crop cleaning machines

... the product will be polished away by this machine, and this process increases the shelf life of produce as well. Allround VP will advice on the hardness of the brush. TD Range The TD (turning drum) machine ...
Allround Vegetable Processing B.V.

... differing capacity requirements. The machine riddles the product on an endless belt of netting. Under the riddle is a agitator unit that loosens any objects that become stuck in the netting. The soil removed leaves the ...
EMVE Sweden AB

The SMA is an affordable universal cleaning machine designed for intake cleaning of grain but also suited to fine cleaning and grading of barley. The robust design guarantees ...


... lettuce, rocket and baby spinach, with a working capacity of about 100 cases per hour. It is able to guarantee a perfect cleaning of the product discarding also the smallest cotyledon (in the case of small spinach) and ...

When using the -holaras- topping machines, the haulm is not pulled off, but cut of by fast rotating blades. This avoids damage because the blades do not touch the onions. The number of directed vibrations transmitted ...

Vegetable washer is designed for flushing and washing vegetables straight after harvest.
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