Crosscut sawmills

3 companies | 4 products
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chain sawmill
chain sawmill

Portable sawmill with quality in every detail The Logosol F2 Farmer's chain sawmill is an ultra-portable sawmill, which can easily handle logs that are up to 60 cm in diameter. In addition, ...

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Logosol AB
chain sawmill
chain sawmill

A sturdier chain sawmill – for the really large logs! Now we can introduce a new, bigger version of the best chain sawmill in the world. The F2+ is an F2 on steroids! This sawmill is ...

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Logosol AB
chain sawmill
chain sawmill

13hp gross electric start Honda GXV390 motor, complete unit including frame. Includes: •An electric start 13hp Honda vertical shaft engine. •2 x RX27 chain loops. •Accurate worm gearbox with dial for lift and sideways motion. •Hand ...

circular sawmill
circular sawmill

FEATURES •3m Inlet and 3m outlet conveyors •Safety double hand button •Pneumatic pushing upper rollers •Pneumatic driven movement of circular saw

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