Cylindrical watermelon seeds

3 companies | 4 products
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early watermelon seeds
early watermelon seeds
Cracker Jack F1

... outstanding yields, excellent sweetness and small pips. Average weights are from 15-18 lbs. (6.8-8.2 kg). Crop Watermelon Crop Type Watermelon Resistance HR Fon:0/Fon:1/Co:1 Size 6.8 - 8.2 ...

See the other products
red watermelon seeds
red watermelon seeds
Red Garnet F1

... Garnet is a tasty seedless watermelon with a dark green striped rind and deep red flesh. The widely adaptable plant produces uniform fruit that average 16-20 lbs. (7.3-9.1 kg). Crop Watermelon Crop ...

See the other products
fusarium resistant watermelon seeds
fusarium resistant watermelon seeds
Rosolio F1

early watermelon seeds
early watermelon seeds

Crimson Sweet hybrid watermelon. It is recognised for its elongate shape, sweet flesh, fine, fibreless texture and its deep red colour and mini seeds. Another characteristic is its ability to keep a fresh, ...

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