Drainage channels

3 companies | 4 products
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steel drainage channel
steel drainage channel

This metal gutter drainage collection system from Hydroponic Systems is specially designed for hydroponic growing. This system provides the most suitable height for field work and the ideal slope to collect all the ...

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J. Huete Greenhouses
polypropylene drainage channel
polypropylene drainage channel

Drainage collection system for hydroponic crops using substrate sacs/slabs for cultivation. Formed by: Gutter + PREMIUM Spacer + Clips + Outflows, which makes it unique and functional, providing all the benefits of ...

See the other products
J. Huete Greenhouses
steel drainage channel
steel drainage channel

Its function is the collection and reuse of rainwater. Its advantages: It allows a significant saving of resources. Avoid humidity helping to eliminate disease problems.

concrete drainage channel
concrete drainage channel
d-Rain Joint®

As a Sustainable Drainage System (SuDS), the d-Rain Joint™ is a simple, low-cost, and robust onsite stormwater management alternative compared to other permeable, pervious surface options. How it Works As a “Sustainable ...

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