Drum graders

10 companies | 12 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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nuts grader
nuts grader

Grading width: 65 cm

... nuts according to their size. Up to 95% of the raw shells are separated from the nuts. A washing drum (oval pattern) is used for cleaning. The roller / drum is then exchanged with a round hole sieve for ...

nuts grader
nuts grader
C series

Calibrate from 100 kg to 1,000 kg nuts per hour. The nut calibration machine has a calibration drum. This can sort the nuts in the same operation according to the same or 2 different sizes (optionally also up to 4 ...

nuts grader
nuts grader
Rotosort ™

... Rotosort drum grader grades rice, paddy, and granular products into two fractions. It is designed for low maintenance, its sieves and running speed are easily adjustable. Screen changes Designed for ...

nuts grader
nuts grader
CAL 2+1

Grading width: 1,250 mm

The calibrating machine is endowed with proper cylindrical calibrating grids which select the product, which is then channelled by hoppers in bags or bins. It is motorized in autonomous way and the powering energy is electrical. For the ...

drum grader
drum grader

This drum sorter is tailored to the size grading of frozen berries. The grading drum has three sorting areas, each with a different perforation diameter. Inside the drum ...

nuts grader
nuts grader

... 0,88 m Height : 1,18 m 1,45 m with 250 mm extension 1.70 m with 500 mm extension 2.20 m with 1 m extension Drum diameter: 0.785 m Drum length: 3.75 m 1125 kg/h for 1 same caliber (example: 28, ...

See the other products
AMB Rousset
seed grader
seed grader

... Both sides of the cylinder grading screen’s box can be completely opened to facilitate users to clean the screen surface and update the screen bottom. APPLICATION The cylinder grading screen is mainly ...

seed grader
seed grader
CR series

... is obtained using the drum diameter and number of screens. Calibration precision is obtained using the rotation speed and drum inclination. Operating principle The product is fed by way of gravity ...

drum grader
drum grader

The cylinders are built as self-supporting steel constructions that can be joined in various configurations by means of a simple modular system, thus enabling a huge spectrum of sorting targets to be covered. By means of the modular systems, ...

oyster grader
oyster grader

Grading width: 1, 2 cm

Oyster sorting tumbler is mainly used to grade and tumbler your oysters. After the combination of experience and research, we come up with the high efficient and low maintenance machine. The whole machine is made of heavy gauge aluminum ...

oyster grader
oyster grader

Grading width: 2 mm

Oyster sorting tumbler is mainly used to grade and tumbler your oysters. After the combination of experience and research, we come up with the high efficient and low maintenance machine. The whole machine is made of heavy gauge aluminum ...

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