Dryers on casters

3 companies | 5 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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nuts dryer
nuts dryer
MEGA series

... volume of the tank itself. This allows you to obtain the perfect product that dries faster and with less consumption. The dryer can be equipped with the loading / unloading option that allows the product to be loaded ...

corn dryer
corn dryer

Capacity: 44 m³

Born from a deep understanding of the needs of the agricultural world, TURBODRY dryers are designed to be high-performance, robust, and easy to maintain and clean. Within the TURBODRY series, models differ in size, power ...

grain dryer
grain dryer
AS 600

potato dryer
potato dryer
DR 60-10

The Allround Potato dryer is designed to dry potatoes after washing. This is done by felt rollers. These felt rollers absorb water that comes with the potatoes after washing. In their turn, these felt rollers are wringed ...

See the other products
Allround Vegetable Processing B.V.
potato dryer
potato dryer
DR 100-12

​​​​​The Allround Potato dryer is designed to dry potatoes after washing. This is done by felt rollers. These felt rollers absorb water that comes with the potatoes after washing. In their turn, these felt rollers are ...

See the other products
Allround Vegetable Processing B.V.
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