Drying equine solariums

4 companies | 7 products
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drying equine solarium
drying equine solarium

The Hippocenter horse solarium is designed to dry and/or warm up your horses with a dual effect. The lamps give off heat which is propelled by fans situated to the rear of the solarium. ...

drying equine solarium
drying equine solarium

The SUN is a solarium developed to help increase blood flow, circulation, and muscle elasticity. HORSE GYM USA offers two solarium models to meet the need for treatment, healing, and ...

drying equine solarium
drying equine solarium

Introducing the ALL NEW Sirocco Solarium! Designed to speed up the drying and cooling time with 6 state-of-the-art fans. Submerse the animal in therapeutic infra-red light, thus helping to increase the ...

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FMBs Therapy Systems
drying equine solarium
drying equine solarium

Our Solariums are ideal for private yards, livery yards and equestrian centres. The heat helps to improve blood circulation aiding muscle suppleness, allowing horses to work at their optimum and reducing the risk of ...

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FMBs Therapy Systems
drying equine solarium
drying equine solarium
Light series

Our Solariums are ideal for private yards, livery yards and equestrian centres. The heat helps to improve blood circulation aiding muscle suppleness, allowing horses to work at their optimum and reducing the risk of injury. These ...

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FMBs Therapy Systems
drying equine solarium
drying equine solarium
The Deluxe

Our Solariums are ideal for private yards, livery yards and equestrian centres. The heat helps to improve blood circulation aiding muscle suppleness, allowing horses to work at their optimum and reducing the risk of ...

See the other products
FMBs Therapy Systems
drying equine solarium
drying equine solarium

... A warm-up under a horse dryer from Q-line® for a workout or competition relaxes the muscles and reduces the risk of injury. The dryer for horses is ideal after a wash. The muscle elasticity is promoted ...

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