Duct air heaters

5 companies | 5 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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gas air heater
gas air heater
LTU Series

Power: 80, 100 kW

... the greenhouse via an extraction duct after the heat has been maximally extracted from these flue gasses. Fresh outdoor air is also sucked in to serve azs combustion air. This means ...

hot water air heater
hot water air heater

Power: 17 kW - 110 kW

... active and their feed conversion rate (FCR) improves significantly. And since the produced heat is free of humid (warm dry air), the litter quality is much dryer which result in a huge reduction in the feet problems, ...

wall-mounted air heater
wall-mounted air heater
PWW Series

Power: 110,900, 27,800, 45,100, 75,600 W

Polar PWW stationary water-to-air heaters are used in spaces where circulated water is available. PWW heaters bring the comfort of air heating to buildings that have ...

gas air heater
gas air heater
Vacboost A3000

Power: 1,500 kW - 3,000 kW

... stainless steel. Our heaters have a maximum drying temperature of 80°C and offer outstanding efficiency (92–95%). The high drying temperatures result in energy savings of up to 30%. Vacboost heaters ...

gas air heater
gas air heater

Power: 175 kW - 4,650 kW

... burner With this type of combustion, the process air for drying, generated by the dryers fans, the combustion air generated by the burners fans and the combustion fumes, all mix together to form the ...

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