Dump bed scraper blades

2 companies | 4 products
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dump bed scraper blades
dump bed scraper blades

Blade width: 1,100 mm

The semi-hydraulic dump scraper is specially designed for small agricultural work, when it is not necessary to resort to hydraulic scrapers thrust. Both hydraulic and mechanical, the ...

dump bed scraper blades
dump bed scraper blades
TV series

Blade width: 1,300, 1,500, 1,700 mm

The Los Antonios mechanical dump scraper is designed for fruit tractors ranging between 50 and 90 H.P. Your storage capacity it is more limited (between one and two cubic meters). Comes equipped as standard ...

dump bed scraper blades
dump bed scraper blades
TVH series

Blade width: 1,300, 1,500, 1,700 mm

Although it bears it in its name, the hydraulic turning vine scraper it is not only intended for vineyards. Yes it is true that it is machinery specifically designed to work on streets or trees that exceed two meters ...

ejectors pull type scrapers
ejectors pull type scrapers
APC, APS series

Blade width: 2,300, 2,600, 2,800 mm

... the AP scraper makes it an allround machine that requires little maintenance and is suitable for any type op levelling, earth moving, depositing, embedding and transportation. There are two types available : the AP APC ...

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