Early tomato seeds

6 companies | 9 products
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red tomato seeds
red tomato seeds
HM 9905

High yielding processing tomato. Characteristics Processing Tomato High yield with extended field holding Very firm fruit with intermediate viscosity Mid brix

See the other products
red tomato seeds
red tomato seeds
Caiman F1

This early maturing and high yielding indeterminate hybrid has a vigorous, open, compact plant with short internodes and good fruit set. The round fruit are large in size, 7.5-8.5 oz. (220-240 g), very tasty, and have ...

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red tomato seeds
red tomato seeds

Early, Meaty and mild. Compact determinate plants produce dense, heavy fruits. Good fruit setting under cooler conditions. Will hold on vine for extended periods without cracking. Resistant to Fusarium 1, Verticillium ...

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Bejo Zaden B.V.
yellow tomato seeds
yellow tomato seeds

red tomato seeds
red tomato seeds
Ailsa Craig

Cordon. Tomato 'Ailsa Craig' is particularly noted for the exceptional flavour of its fruit, which ripens early in the season. This well known gardener's favourite produces medium sized tomatoes with ...

red tomato seeds
red tomato seeds

Early, high yield and bright red The indeterminate variety has high yield and very strong plant habitus. It is early variety and suitable for spring in greenhouse and open field areas. The plant has ...

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