Electric boilers

4 companies | 4 products
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thermoelectric boiler
thermoelectric boiler

... efficiency of a condensing boiler while maximizing growing space. Condensing boilers increase heating efficiency by reducing energy costs and saving growing space in the process. 99% thermal efficiency ...

hot water boiler
hot water boiler

... Thermally isolated; Hot water boiler is equipped with an electric heater; Filled under pressure of no less than 3 BAR/43.5 PSI, not exceeding 4 BAR/ 58 PSI (standard cold tap water supply pressure); Hot ...

electric boiler
electric boiler
CL series

Power: 32 kW - 138 kW

... months. After drying the bales can be shredded with BALECHIPPER, that turns them into small chips of the right size for the boilers THERMOSYSTEM CHIP LINE.

hot water boiler
hot water boiler

Power: 0.3 kW

Hot water generator. Heats cold water, indispensable where hot water is needed for more effective cleaning.

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