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- Feeding system
Feeding systems

... all of your equipment to provide your herd, a superior RTM at a particular time and place ! The robotic feeding Automate / robotize the feeding of your dairy herd ensure to produce more but also produce ...

The delivery truck is intended for the feed distribution generally used on agricultural and livestock premises. It is a perfect complement to static feed plants or for the transfer of products to premises from a central distribution plant. The ...

The delivery truck is intended for the feed distribution generally used on agricultural and livestock premises. It is a perfect complement to static plants or for the transfer of products from a central plant distribution. The box ...

... performing everyday tasks as it is very versatile and easy to use. This item consists of a container with an internal rotation system, which prevents the product from clumping together and allows it to be distributed ...

The tank is designed to discharge dry food on the right and left hand sides. Tank capacity: - 500L - 850L with side extensions (optional). The tank can be equipped with a protective cover. Standard equipments Ø173mm Archimedes’ ...

MultiOne’s animal feed dispensers bucket makes feeding the animals quick and easy. The front edge of the feed dispenser bucket can be used to easily fill up the bucket feeder. Feed is dispensed from the right side discharge ...

Enhance Feeding Efficiency with the NEMESIS Feeding Belt Discover the NEMESIS feeding belt, an ideal solution designed to revolutionize feeding processes on medium and ...

Suitable for litter materials such as sawdust and sawdust, separated manure, composts, chopped straw with residual stalk length of 10 to 15 cm and other litter materials. With the SAUERBURGER EG bedding device, you prepare a stable ...

VDL Agrotech developed the Rotra mini spinfeeder to distribute small portions of feed in the scratch and litter area of poultry houses. Aimed at improving wellfare by stimulating natural behaviour, resulting in better technical performance. ...

ATV Range Feeder -Available in 600, 900, 1,200, 1,500, 2,000, and 3,200 pound capacities -Feeds any size cubes—alfalfa hay cubes—ear corn -Elevator conveyor for less break-up of cubes -Adjustable door to control amount of feed

... from the feeding centers to the dairy farms. The delivery truck is a sophisticated distribution bin mounted on the commercial truck. The bin is made of high quality resistant material 3CR12 against corrosion, installed ...

... efficient and proper way. Milk & Feed Distributor Mobile, is a reliable, sustainable and comfortable calf feeding trolley solution for feeding your calves in igloos and individual hutches. Raising ...

... application. Working both inside and outside your buildings, it also accepts a maximum slope of 20%. Thanks to its wire guidance system, the passages of the Alim’Concept are assured without risk of loss of trajectory. Alim’Concept ...

Dositronic is an electronic feeding system for farrowing sows that enables automatic application of feeding strategies. Dositronic applies feeding curves that are assigned ...
Rotecna, S.A.
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