Field cultivators with harrows

29 companies | 41 products
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mounted field cultivator
mounted field cultivator
CHLV series

Width: 225, 175, 275 cm

Fixed vineyard cultivator with 80×80 chassis and 25×25 arms, for surface tillage. Available with roller or harrow.

mounted field cultivator
mounted field cultivator
CHMV series

Width: 1.3 m - 2.75 m

Fixed vineyard cultivator with 80×80 chassis and 30×30 arms, for work on less prepared land. Available with roller and harrow.

mounted field cultivator
mounted field cultivator
CHMV series

Width: 130 cm - 175 cm

Vineyard cultivator with extendable chassis, in 80×80 chassis and 30×30 arms, ideal for farmers who have different planting frames and less worked land. Available with roller or harrow and third point ...

mounted stubble cultivator
mounted stubble cultivator

Width: 2.2, 2.6, 3, 3.8 m
Working depth: 15 cm

Stubble cultivators Apus are designed for cultivating fields after harvesting. They are intended for use on lighter soils. The machine is equipped with duck foot shares, which cut ...

mounted field cultivator
mounted field cultivator
BK series

Width: 3, 4, 6 m
Working depth: 30 cm

... support both in simplified cultivation and in conventional agrotechnical procedures. The possibility of combining with a disc harrow or an aggregate saves working time. During one trip, he performs several treatments ...

towed field cultivator
towed field cultivator
Terrano MT series

Width: 6, 4.4 m

... Terrano MT has been specially designed for the following range of use: “mixing on the top, loosening at the bottom”. The cultivator has a middle chassis and a 4-bar frame design (2 rows of discs + 2 rows of tines). It ...

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HORSCH Maschinen GmbH
soil loosening field cultivator
soil loosening field cultivator
DC series

Width: 3 m - 4 m
Working depth: 35 cm

... from loosening after stubble cultivation to breaking a ploughpan for example. When using the DC in combination with a power-harrow for example, you will save time and fuel by loosening the soil at depth and preparing ...

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mounted field cultivator
mounted field cultivator

Width: 1,410 mm
Working depth: 0 mm - 150 mm

Front cultivator can be used for instance together with the horse arena harrow. Especially useful in a more compacted arena or an outdoor riding area. It is equipped with large tines which loosen the ...

towed field cultivator
towed field cultivator
8500 Finisholl

Width: 5.9 m - 14.8 m

... in the toughest of field conditions. New Features The 8500 Finisholl hydraulically folds for narrow transport widths and manageable transport heights and provides outstanding out-of-ground clearance. Moving from ...

chisel field cultivator
chisel field cultivator

Width: 6.63 m - 13.94 m

... tillage and weed control. Optional rear-leveling attachments include a five-bar high-residue spike harrow, a three-bar heavy coil tine, or a combination of harrows with a finishing reel.

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Great Plains Manufacturing Inc.
mounted field cultivator
mounted field cultivator
XLander series

Width: 2.45 m - 10 m

In 2006, Ovlac revolutionised the traditional cultivator or semi-chisel by incorporating an innovative safety system based on rubber elastomers. The advantages were obvious: the clearance caused by wear and tear on the ...

towed field cultivator
towed field cultivator

Width: 300 cm
Working depth: 250 mm - 300 mm


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Soil Master / Kara Ova
mounted field cultivator
mounted field cultivator
ET series

Width: 150 cm - 600 cm

Inter-row cultivator for truffle born from the experience of the truffle growers combined with our 40 years experience in inter-row machines. The truffle growers need to hoeing the ground without mixing too much up the ...

mounted field cultivator
mounted field cultivator

... finishing choices: the dual conditioning baskets or the all-new Harrow and Leveling board option. Customize to Your Conditions Heavy-Duty Choppers Walking Tandem Rolling Baskets New Harrow and Leveling ...

mounted vibro-cultivator
mounted vibro-cultivator

The Vibrotiller is used to prepare the soil for planting after initial plowing or in post-harvesting resumption. It performs surface work: turning, removing weeds and prepare a perfectly smooth seed bed. The Vibrotiller is designed ...

mounted field cultivator
mounted field cultivator

Width: 3.6, 4.2, 4.9, 5.6 m

The LECH field cultivator is intended for pre-sowing soil cultivation. It is used for loosening the top layer of soil, breaking up and crushing lumps of crusted field surface and kneading ...

mounted field cultivator
mounted field cultivator

Width: 6, 7, 8 m
Working depth: 0 cm - 15 cm

... Supporting leg • 5 rows of cultivator tines S type 45 x 12 with straight coulter • Hydraulic working depth adjustment on the main frame, and mechanical (supporting wheels) on the side frames • Tubular roller Ø 400 ...

mounted field cultivator
mounted field cultivator
TRV series

Width: 4, 6, 9, 3 m
Working depth: 2.5 cm

... desire to be able to sowing grass seeds? Why not do it when you are out cleaning the last time in the field? You can expand your inter-row cultivator with sowing equipment. You can also equip your cleaner ...

spring tine field cultivator
spring tine field cultivator

Width: 2,200 mm - 4,000 mm
Working depth: 8 cm

•Seedbed preparation •Can work easily in excessive weedy areas •Can work comfortably in fields with deep traces •It can be used in versatile soil cultivation depending on the soil type •Cuts the roots under the soil •Mostly ...

mounted field cultivator
mounted field cultivator
FKC series

Width: 185, 305, 325, 345, 365 cm
Working depth: 25 cm

Combi Cultivator For cultivating and potato planting at the same time and as Rotary Ridging Cultivator after potato planting. Advantages Combi Cultivator . Planting and cultivating ...

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Baselier BV
semi-mounted field cultivator
semi-mounted field cultivator

Width: 4, 8, 7.2, 6.2, 5 m
Working depth: 2 cm - 12 cm

A TRADITIONAL DESIGN OF A SEEDBED CULTIVATOR FOR SOIL PREPARATION Using seedbed cultivators for soil preparation is still a popular practice. In the segment of seedbed cultivators with ...

mounted field cultivator
mounted field cultivator

Width: 16, 12 m
Working depth: 4 cm - 16 cm

... shredding and compaction. EQUIPMENT Operating components: -front leveling bar; -6 rows of cultivator tines 45 х 12; -rear tine harrow and flat bar cage leveling rollers.

mounted field cultivator
mounted field cultivator

AGRORANGE developed spring cultivator- rotary harrow combination in parallel with technological developments in preparing seed bed. Operating depth which is demanded sensitively is obtained with this ...

mounted field cultivator
mounted field cultivator
SOLARIS series

Width: 6, 4, 5, 3 m
Working depth: 2 cm - 12 cm

Solaris seedbed cultivators used in seedbed preparation after plowing or after scarifying, ensures soil processing through a single pass due to the variety of work operations, encompassing all operations into a single ...

mounted field cultivator
mounted field cultivator
P series

Width: 2.2 m - 7 m

... category includes all kinds of sowing cultivators such as: > Ripers, harrows some type of sowing cultivators with different teeth combinations with or without rear rollers. > The ...

towed field cultivator
towed field cultivator

Width: 3 m - 8 m

The stubble cultivator is a universal implement for fast tillage with little wear and low costs. It is used for the stubble breaking, tilling of green manure, for weed control, incorporating of slurry, ...

mounted field cultivator
mounted field cultivator
VRG series

Width: 130 cm - 220 cm
Working depth: 20 cm

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