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- Fixed chamber baler
Fixed chamber balers

Bale length: 400 mm - 1,100 mm
Engine power: 45, 38 ch
PTO speed: 540 rpm
The KS Agrotech PVT.LTD.BALER is used in binders and balers to tie a knot in string or wire won’t to ‘bind’ or ‘tie’ the sheaves of corn or straw and hay up. The knotter works by a series of cams and ...

Bale length: 70, 93, 104 cm
Bale diameter: 60 cm
... introduce round straw balers in India. We have been the pioneers in round straw baler industry in India. Our round straw balers use livestock friendly jute twine and not plastic wine ...
Redlands Ashlyn Motors Plc

Bale width: 450 mm
Bale length: 300, 1,300 mm
Bale height: 360 mm
... different types of balers present in market based on shape of bales produced– rectangular or cylindrical of various sizes, bound with twine, strapping, netting, or wire . The key specifications of Square ...

Bale length: 400 mm - 1,300 mm
Engine power: 70, 60 ch
PTO speed: 540 rpm
... cultural Machinery has put the baler into service with the quality, privilege, guarantee and assurance of AGRORANGE, which are designed to have strong and reliable structures, be easy to use and em-friendly machines. AGRORANGE ...

STAR Inline balers “iS” We developed Inline baler “iS” as our global model. This model had been launched in 2012 and immediately could win recognition from the many of our customers. The STAR Inline ...

The round baler is steered from the handlebar via a linkage. After the crop is picked up, it is compressed in the press chamber and wrapped. The completely compressed, handy bales are removed manually. Success ...

Bale width: 120 cm
Bale diameter: 120, 150 cm
Engine power: 50 ch
This baler makes 120x120 and 120x150 round-bales and it’s simple to use. Fixed chamber with chain bars ensures perfect bales shape and minimal product loss. Available in 2 versions 1.55 ...

Haylage Baler / Packing System KME Ltds industry leading machinery for rebaling large round or square bales of haylage. This system can be used for rebaling and packing hay and straw but doesnt come ...
KME - Ken Mills Engineering Ltd.

... matterial with chopper and without chopper option. Strong and durable framework that you can use it for a long time. Super Yunus Baler Machines can be produced according to our customer’s demands with 2 knotters 3 knotters ...
Paksan Makina San. ve Tic. A.S.

Fimaks balers are used to compress cut and raked crops such as hay, stray, alfalfa and similar products into compact bales that are easy to handle, transport and store. Fimaks balers have 6 different ...
Fimaks Makina

Bale width: 1,200 mm
Bale diameter: 1,200 mm
Engine power: 55 ch
Fixed chamber round baler SIPMA PS 1210 CLASSIC is an easy to use and inexpensive machine which guarantee long and reliable operation. •Chain type baling chamber with ...

Square Balers are excellent straw and hay collecting equipment. Optimum design, superior parameters, a long useful life and reliable operations: Regular design updating and improvement makes this offer ...

The traditional "LERDA" baler has been present on the markets for over 50 years. Improved over the years, it is now produced in a wide range of models. It has proven to be the ideal baler for harvesting ...
Lerda Agri

Bale width: 63 cm
Bale diameter: 57 cm
... round baler with compression chamber with aluminum rollers with special profiles – bale diameter 57×63 cm – direct or rotary feeder (model R500 SUPER). It is a small dimension round baler, ...
Tonutti / Wolagri

The AGRONIC MR 820 & MR 1210 MultiBaler are the perfect, easy to use balewrapper combinations for round bales. Widely known in the compacting industry all over the world. Two machine versions, each for specific users. AGRONIC MultiBalers ...

Model - DMR 100 - DMR 500 - DMR 1000 Capacity / Bales - 50 - 60 bales / h - 50 - 60 bales / h - 50 - 60 bales / h Bale Weight - 75 – 105 kg - 450 – 500 kg - 1000 - ...

Shaktiman Square baler uniquely designed for improvement in bale storage and transportation activities. bales produced by this new Baler of Shaktiman will be in square ...
Tirth Agro Technology Pvt. Ltd.

Engine power: 40, 50 ch
PTO speed: 540 rpm
Reliability, simplicity and low cost of maintenance The Mascar Corsa series is a baler for cylindrical bales with fixed chamber and a chain/bars system, ideal for any type of the product, ...

Z562 Baler. This is the first product of this type on the Polish market. The innovative cylindrical baling chambers give the maximum possible compaction ratio. The haylage produced by baling with this ...
Metal-Fach Sp. z o.o.

... rpm - Overload protection: - Dises torque limiter. - PTO shaft: - Constant Velooty PTO shaft. - Baie chamber: - Open throat variable chamber. - Belts tensor arm: - 2 hydrauliccilinders. Adjustable ...

Bale width: 120 cm - 135 cm
Bale length: 180 cm - 250 cm
Bale height: 70 cm - 150 cm
Quadro Pac V collects and stacks big square bales of any regular size. Working at absolute precision, Quadro Pac V minimises field clearing costs, time and compaction while offering effective crop protection from ingress ...

... Haşpay width of 137 cm * Collector height 155 cm * Badges bearing * 5 Collector pipe * Rake spring 50 * Piston chamber and tail hair st52 * Casters for land * Hydraulic adjustment path and job status ...
Aktürk Makina

Bale width: 70 cm
Bale diameter: 60 cm
Engine power: 25 ch - 55 ch
... Hydraulics. Highly durable steel rollers are adopted for the compression system. Power fluctuation is less than hay square baler, stable and noiseless operation can be expected. The gearbox output ...

Bale length: 70, 104, 93 cm
Bale diameter: 50, 60 cm
Engine power: 25 ch - 60 ch
Balers ensure that straw is converted into a commodity and is the last mile income for the farmer. Depending on the model, these balers can bale rice straw, wheat straw, corn harvest residue, sugarcane ...

With the Bale King you can do it all!! Reduce feed and bedding costs Give every member of your herd the same advantages the dominant ones have Give your cattle more palatable feed Prepare better bedding without a pitch fork or being ...
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