Flower amendments

10 companies | 14 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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organic amendment
organic amendment
Basalt Powder

... increases the quality and yield of your crops and the growth of your roots. Basalt rock flour is the most effective mineral amendment, essential to respect one of the 3 M's of organic farming, and no less important than ...

compost amendment
compost amendment
Bio Terra Mix

Bio Terra Mix is a complete echo compost, meticulously developed from a balanced mix of aged mushroom compost, earthworm humus and volcanic lava. Designed to provide a full spectrum of nutrients, improve soil structure and promote healthy ...

compost amendment
compost amendment
Earthworm Humus and Volcanic Lava

• Big Bag: 1000 litres (800 kg.) • Sack: 15 litres (11 kg.) Developed aligning with the principles of biodynamic agriculture, our blend of "Humus & Volcanic Lava" is established as a robust and sustainable solution for soil nutrition ...

organic amendment
organic amendment

See the other products
stimulate water-retaining ability amendment
stimulate water-retaining ability amendment

Growth and nutrition action Nutriflore®: a combination of HORTIFIBRE® and micro-organisms, including mycorrhizae. The micro-organisms added to the soil mixes colonise the roots of the plants, promoting dense root development. The ...

organic amendment
organic amendment

with root growth stimulator AMM N° 1030003 Approved for use in organic agriculture INCREASING THE HUMUS VALUE -Complete NPK balance: 1,7-1-1 + 1,5 -Concentration of proteoglycan substances -Enhances root system growth during ...

organic amendment
organic amendment

... fertiliser that is suitable for all types of plants, including Australian natives, garden beds, fruit, vegetables, roses and flowers. -It is an organic product which will not burn plants as it releases the nutrients ...

organic amendment
organic amendment

... effective in loam and clay soils, this polymer revolutionizes the control of soil moisture, providing advantages for crops, flowers, potted plants, fruit and vegetable seedlings, and trees. Encounter unparalleled water ...

organic amendment
organic amendment
Ambra® Hidromix SP

Ambra® Hidromix It is a solid mixture of essential trace elements chelated with EDTA, indicated to prevent, and correct multiple deficiencies in all types of crops. Ambra® Hidromix provides plants: •High assimilation of trace elements ...

organic amendment
organic amendment

GUARANTEED ANALYSIS - (% W/W) Total Humic Extracts 20% Humic Acids - 10% Fulvic Acids - 10% Potassium (K2O) - 8% Density - 1,10 Kg/L pH ...

See the other products
organic amendment
organic amendment

calcium amendment
calcium amendment

... allows for a natural look and provides ease of clean up when used onsite. A versatile mix - it can also be used as a soil amendment or mulch. It has been blended for nitrogen stability with bluechip and contains controlled ...

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