Folding rake tedders

3 companies | 3 products
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{{/end}} {{/each}}


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{{/each}} {{/pushedProductsPlacement5.length}}
towed rake tedder
towed rake tedder
EWR series

Number of rotors: 10, 8 unit
Working width: 23'00", 20'00"

Our EWR Series Wheel Hay Rakes are designed to make your harvesting faster, easier, and more efficient. With raking widths from 20 to 23-feet, all our hay rakes are built to provide unrivaled performance ...

mounted rake tedder
mounted rake tedder
RA 450-13D Profi

Number of rotors: 1 unit
Working width: 410, 450 cm

High technology for quality forage Rander Profi single-rotor rotary rakes- swathers, with working width from cm 410 to 450 and sturdy 13 arm oil-bath assemblies ensure high productivity and excellent forage quality. ...

mounted rake tedder
mounted rake tedder

... in fine crops. Auto Rake Width compensation- With the VR rakes they maintain their full raking width regardless of what the window width is set at unlike other rakes the width decreases ...

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