Footbaths with brush

3 companies | 3 products
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footbath for livestock buildings
footbath for livestock buildings

The PEDIMAXX® consists of a stainless steel tray, a removable electro-galvanized steel frame supporting 2 brushes and a forged and galvanized grating. It allows to decontaminate the boots before entering the areas and buildings of ...

footbath for livestock buildings
footbath for livestock buildings

... your farm. Two brushes allow a manual, selective cleaning of the soles, sides, heels and insteps. The vertical brush is semicircular to brush all round parts of your boots. For more thoroughness connect ...

footbath for livestock buildings
footbath for livestock buildings

• Provided with a scraper to remove the heavy soiling • Can be supplied with 3 or 5 brushes • Provided with jets on sides and bottom, so that the soles are also cleaned and desinfected. • Stainless steel frame with extra heavy-duty ...

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