Forestry winches

Engine - Rato R 180 (Hp 4,8 / Kw 3,6) gasoline Honda GP 160 (Hp 4,8 / Kw 3,6) gasoline Pull start - recoil Gearbox - 4 speed, 3 forward speed and 1 reverse Safety lever - with belt clutch and tensioner Brake - band brake on the roll ...

... mounting. The combination of power tool and cable winch enables thinning that is gentle on the ground to the highest degree! Especially in rough terrain this duo shows its capabilities. Cable winch ...

OEHLER winches are a product of GERMAN development, long-term experience, knowledge and ideas proposed by customers, as well as precise testing and usage under all circumstances. AFETY, as the most important factor, is provided and ...

The Balfor forestry winches are available with a wide variety of pulling forces to cater for a huge range of applications. From 3Ton, through to 3.5tons, 4.5 tons, 5.5 tons 7.5 tons and 9Ton, all are fitted with a full ...

... Reversible Plow、Disc Harrow、DiscPlow、Hole Digger、Subsoiler etc. Pull empty drum 2tons - The pull is full - 1200kg Average winch speed - 0.47m/s Magnetic drum capacity (8mm cable) 40m - clutch - lFriction ...

... of the cable, superior safety measures and greater durability of the machine. In the event of cable release or rupture, the winch immediately stops working safeguarding the worker’s well-being. Our quality Italian components ...
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