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- Fusarium resistant tomato seed
Fusarium resistant tomato seeds
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High yielding processing tomato. Characteristics Processing Tomato High yield with extended field holding Very firm fruit with intermediate viscosity Mid brix

This early maturing and high yielding indeterminate hybrid has a vigorous, open, compact plant with short internodes and good fruit set. The round fruit are large in size, 7.5-8.5 oz. (220-240 g), very tasty, and have an attractive deep ...

F1 hybrid tomato Cluster cocktail tomato Growing area: Protected heated Pruning 6 – 8 fruits per cluster 45 – 60 gram Resistance HR: ToMV:0,1,2 / Va:0 / Vd:0 / Fol:0,1 / For Resistance IR: On Strong ...
Axia Vegetable Seeds

... heavy fruits. Good fruit setting under cooler conditions. Will hold on vine for extended periods without cracking. Resistant to Fusarium 1, Verticillium Wilt, TMV. Growing Days Sowing Southeast US ...

... branches close together. For intensive cultivation under glass or in polytunnel. Shiny-red, flat-round and very firm fruit. Resistant to: Fol 0,1; Ff 1-5; TMV 0,1,2; Verticillium. Temperature requirements high, indoor ...

UG-19406 is a full season sq/rd tomato with extended field holding (EFH) that has very high brix, intermediate viscosity and high yields, and a large vine with good adaptation for California and other international markets. ...
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