Gas scarers

3 companies | 6 products
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{{#pushedProductsPlacement4.length}} {{#each pushedProductsPlacement4}}

{{product.productLabel}} {{product.model}}

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gun scarer
gun scarer

LPG cannon Airport 808 system is designed and developed for Prevention of Bird Strike on the Airport field. This unit can be equipped and operated by Bird Control Unit(Car) also can be held by personal. It can be operated by Remote ...

gun scarer
gun scarer

The GUARDIAN-2 models run on butane or propane gas, with which they can create loud explosions to protect crops and scare away birds, boars, deer and any other animal that might damage those crops. The explosions can ...

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gun scarer
gun scarer

The GUARDIAN-2 ECO model runs on butane or propane gas. The sonic explosions it produces help to protect crops, fruit trees and any other areas from which you need to frighten away birds and/or any other animals that ...

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gun scarer
gun scarer

The most effective model, thanks to its automatic rotation system, changes the direction of the explosions by about 90º for each explosion. The tripod lifts the machine up to 1.50 metres, providing greater propagation of sound and ...

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gun scarer
gun scarer

The model with the best protection, recommended for large tracts of land containing crops and fruit trees. Each GUARDIAN-2 can be calibrated independently, to achieve different types of explosions in opposite directions. The telescopic ...

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gun scarer
gun scarer

ARDEN ELECTRONIC BIRD SCARER CANNON ARD-BSE1 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION / Технические характеристки Working System/ Рабочая система Gas/ Газ Ignition System/ Система зажигания Электронное зажигание 12 ...

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