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- Gasoline utility vehicle
Gasoline utility vehicles
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... ,395 x 1,325(㎜) Weight - - 1,100㎏ Driving engine - Designation - - HONDA GX630 Type - - Air-cooled 14.5kw Gasoline engine Driving part - Shifting steps - - Main Transmission: Forward 5 steps and reverse ...
... ,410 x 1,370(㎜) Weight - - 1,080㎏ Driving engine - Designation - - HONDA GX690 Type - - Air-cooled 16.5kw Gasoline engine Driving part - Shifting steps - - Main Transmission: Forward 5 steps and reverse ...
... 1,155(㎜) Weight - - 840㎏ Driving engine - Designation - - Vangard-Twin Type - - Air-cooled 14kw Gasoline engine Driving part - Shifting steps - - Main Transmission: Forward 5 steps and reverse ...
Engine power: 12 kW
The project was born by our ambition to create a very compact and adaptable multifunction working machine; the operator can work with Vision in total ergonomic and ease without any special instructions... Essentially, we created something ...
FORT Srl Unipersonale
Engine power: 4 kW
Cynar is the minitransporter with special equipment ideal for collection of any materials and for the high lifter. With the special lift the Cynar is able to lift the weight up to 180cm.
FORT Srl Unipersonale
Engine power: 22 ch
Amos Industrie caterpillar are designed to help for any Vineyard work during all season: soil cultivation, inter vine cultivation, canopy management, trimming, wide control, leaf stripping, spraying, grapes transportation. Caterpillar ...
Engine power: 3 kW
Completely renovated, IBT-3000R is the smallest of the range (capacity 300 kg). Objective: a sturdy and easy to use machine. The front wheels axle has a thickness of 32 mm and weighs 3.6 kg The extensible side panels gives a great flexibility ...
Engine power: 3 kW
Super strength, durability and adaptability to any need. The tilting roller allow you to overcome obstacles such as curbs or rough terrain guaranteeing greater comfort of use and greater stability.
Engine power: 4 kW
The model IBT-500, the largest in Ibea’s Minitransporter line, is ideal for professional use. It is unbeatable in building renovations, where materials need to be carried to places that are not easily accessible and a strong, speedy machine ...
Engine power: 4 kW
The model IBT-500, the largest in Ibea’s Minitransporter line, is ideal for professional use. It is unbeatable in building renovations, where materials need to be carried to places that are not easily accessible and a strong, speedy machine ...
Engine power: 4 kW
The model IBT-500, the largest in Ibea’s Minitransporter line, is ideal for professional use. It is unbeatable in building renovations, where materials need to be carried to places that are not easily accessible and a strong, speedy machine ...
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