Grain sweep augers

8 companies | 20 products
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grain sweep auger
grain sweep auger

Cost efficient solution Highly economical solution for bin diameters up to 105’ (32M) diameter Sweep tractor available Sweep tractor drive standard for 1214 models, optional on 1012 models Improved ...

grain sweep auger
grain sweep auger

Bulk throughput: 27 t/h - 122 t/h
Diameter: 12 cm - 22.9 cm

Power Sweeps use one motor on the outside of the grain bin to power both the unloading flight and the sweep. They can remain inside the bin during the grain bin filling ...

grain sweep auger
grain sweep auger
TSB series

TSB Industrial sweep auger developed by Silos Spain. It has been designed for the efficient discharge of flat bottom silos without damaging the grain while allowing daily use throughout ...

grain sweep auger
grain sweep auger

grain sweep auger
grain sweep auger

grain sweep auger
grain sweep auger

grain sweep auger
grain sweep auger

... handle make opening and closing gates very easy. WHEEL Proven drive wheel design provides aggressive sweep action, advancing the sweep into the grain in even the most challenging conditions.

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GSI Group
grain sweep auger
grain sweep auger

... power of the sweepauger and the angle of attack of the screw allows the L DSM sweeping auger to unload materials with large slope angles. The use of two decoupled augers makes possible to install high ...

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grain sweep auger
grain sweep auger

... Effectively allows power through to the sweep motor and prevents the cables from twisting as the sweep rotates. ABOVE-FLOOR UL LISTED COLLECTOR RING Mounted above the bin floor enabling true zero-entry ...

grain sweep auger
grain sweep auger

... conveys the grain of the residual silo in a trench or gallery. When there is no more grain in front of the screew, it moves forward automatically driven by outer wheel. In this way, the discharge is cmplete ...

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Denis Privé
grain sweep auger
grain sweep auger

The Spirogyre sweep auger is designed to extract remaining products (like wheat, maize, barley, seeds, etc.) that free-flow with gravity but that can build up in flat bottom silos. The auger ...

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