Green melon seeds

2 companies | 4 products
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annual melon seeds
annual melon seeds
Jenny Lind

... Lind Melon Seeds. 70 - 85 days to maturity. Cucumis melo. Heirloom, Annual. The plant has 5 feet vines that produce 1-to-3-pound fruits with many knobs and turbans on the blossom end. 1 lb - Approximately ...

See the other products
Seeds by Design
annual melon seeds
annual melon seeds
Piel de Sapo

Piel de Sapo (Sharlyn) melons are a rare Spanish variety. They are oval shaped with a thick hard rind. Skin is yellow and green mottled, and flesh is white with some hints of green. These ...

See the other products
Seeds by Design
annual melon seeds
annual melon seeds

... and heavily netted with a gray-green color. Flesh is deep salmon colored. Melons grow to be 7 inches by 6 inches and weigh 5-7 lbs. 1 lb - Approximately 15,200 Seeds Sow seeds ...

See the other products
Seeds by Design
mosaic virus resistant melon seeds
mosaic virus resistant melon seeds

Tolerance to Zymv The variety is a galia type. Flesh color is light green and fruit color is orange and netted. It has good yield and is resistant to disease. It is mid-early variety. It has a good aroma and high sugar ...

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